Author Archives: admin

Our new regular venue for Ceilidhs

Our new regular venue for Ceilidhs

We had "outgrown" the room we used last year, so we have now booked the Community Centre hall at St Aidans, Brunton Park for our ceilidhs.  The first of this year was on 3 January, and was a resounding success. Hopefully numbers will continue to grow and dancers (and the band) will continue to enjoy themselves as much.

Now “Tyneside Ceilidh Club”

Now “Tyneside Ceilidh Club”

Having (somewhat reluctantly) been forced to move away from our original “home” in Gateshead the committee have decided to retire “Gateshead Ceilidh Club” and rename it as “Tyneside Ceilidh Club” which is now enjoying a new home in West Jesmond.
One thing has not changed – the enjoyment that everyone present gets, as you can see in the photo. Ignore the scowls on the musicians, we havent yet learnt to play and smile at the same time!

Gateshead Ceilidh Club is alive and well ..

Gateshead Ceilidh Club is alive and well ..

The “trial run” at our Christmas Ceilidh proved a success, and yesterday (1 March 2022) our “inaugural” Gateshead Ceilidh Club ceilidh showed members are ready to get back to dancing. The dance was well attended – numbers were just right for the limited space of our current venue.  We hope (and expect) that our monthly ceilids will continue, so we are looking forward to our next on April 5th.

First ceilidh after lockdown!

Christmas Ceilidh

Its been smashing meeting to practise again – but on 7 Dec we had our first ceilidh after the lockdown – and our last for 2021.  It was a great success (albeit a bit low on numbers) but we all had a smashing time and we hope to re-start monthly ceilidhs in 2022 – watch this space!


Together again

Redheughers together again

After 16 months of limited activity due to Covid we are finally playing together again on a weekly basis!

Its been a challenging time for us all but Robin and Rachael have done a brilliant job providing new and interesting tunes both as dots and recorded “playalong” mp3’s for us to practise, and leading sessions on  zoom.

However its great to be able to have the experience of playing together as a band once again, and hear just how good we sound as an ensemble.

Our meeting venue – the Royal British Legion club, West Jesmond, NE2 3EX – have been fully complying with Covid regs and we’ve all felt very safe with the “hands face space” system.

There is one new innovation that has come out of this difficult time; Rachael has ben able to “televise ” our live meetings on Zoom to make them accessible for members who for any reason cannot be there in person.

New members are always welcome so if you play an instrument (not percussion, sorry) and can play in keys of D & G just contact us and we can give you more information, and some music to get you started.

Redheughers together again!

June 29th and after 15 months we are once again able to play together as a band.

We have been enjoying our zoom meetings very kindly arranged by Tina, but it cant match the experience of playing together so we are all looking forward (with some trepidation) to the demands of playing as an ensemble.

Hopefully many of our members who have chosen not to participate in the zoom meetings will be able to join us as they are greatly missed.

All Redheughers activity suspended

All Redheughers activity suspended

Following government guidelines the committee have taken the decision that The Redheughers are unable to meet for practice sessions etc. for the present.

We have no way of knowing how long the current situation and restrictions will be in place, but of course members will be contacted when we know more.